From my weekend.
Här kommer nu några få bilder från helgen jag spenderade på Öland! Det blev ingen djurpark, vilket gjorde mig ganska besviken.. Känns ju inte särksilt kul att sitta i en bild i ca 5 timmar för att sen få höra ''det blir nog ingen djurpark''. Aja, måste åka dit nästa år istället då! Förutom det så var det väldigt trevligt där, så mysigt! Jag gillar också att där inte var så mycket folk nu. (:
/Here's some pictures from my weekend at Öland! We didn't visit the animal park, which made me disappointed.. It's not really fun to sit in a car for about 5 hours only to hear that ''we might not go to the animal park''. Oh well, I have to go there next year! Except for that, it was really nice there! Beautiful place, and I like that there weren't so many people. (:
/Here's some pictures from my weekend at Öland! We didn't visit the animal park, which made me disappointed.. It's not really fun to sit in a car for about 5 hours only to hear that ''we might not go to the animal park''. Oh well, I have to go there next year! Except for that, it was really nice there! Beautiful place, and I like that there weren't so many people. (: