Rix Fm, Malmö.
Igår var jag och Natalie som sagt på Rix Fm Festivalen i Malmö. Åkte dit lagom till Anton Ewalds signering (han var den övervägande anledningen till varför vi åkte dit) och efter att ha köpt hans ep och fått autograf gick vi bakom scenen för att se när de andra artisterna anlände. Hann inte få autografer av så många (de flesta hade bråttom till soundchecken och ibland var där helt enkelt för mycket folk) men jag fick ännu en av Anton och även av Behrang. En annan kul sak som hände var att Tony Irving, med sällskap, helt random gick förbi oss mitt på gatan! Och jag kan säga er, jag har nog aldrig någonsin känt mig så stel förut... Nu i efterhand ångrar jag att jag inte sa ''men det där är inte rumba!'' i hans dialekt.. ;)
Här får ni i alla fall en fin bild på Antons ep med autograf. Gillar omslaget starkt, så jag tänkte låta den stå framme! Gillar också att fodralet är mycket större än skivan, jag trodde först det låg en liten lp-skiva där. (:
/As I said before, yesterday Natalie and I were at Rix Fm Festival in Malmö. We went there just in time for Anton Ewald's signing session, (he was the main reason we went there) and after buying his EP and getting an autograph we went backstage to see when all the other artists arrived. Didn't get so many autographs (most of them were in a hurry for their soundcheck and sometimes there were just too many people) but I got one more from Anton and also Behrang from Melodifestivalen. Another fun thing that happened was that Tony Irving, from Swedish tv-show Let's Dance, walked on the street with company. And I'm telling ya, I've never been so paralyzed in my entire life, haha! Anyway, here's a nice picture of Anton's EP with autograph. I really like the cover, so I'm not gonna put it with my other albums. I'm gonna let people see it! I also like that the cover is a lot bigger than the CD, when I first saw it I thought it was a vinyl!
Här får ni i alla fall en fin bild på Antons ep med autograf. Gillar omslaget starkt, så jag tänkte låta den stå framme! Gillar också att fodralet är mycket större än skivan, jag trodde först det låg en liten lp-skiva där. (:
/As I said before, yesterday Natalie and I were at Rix Fm Festival in Malmö. We went there just in time for Anton Ewald's signing session, (he was the main reason we went there) and after buying his EP and getting an autograph we went backstage to see when all the other artists arrived. Didn't get so many autographs (most of them were in a hurry for their soundcheck and sometimes there were just too many people) but I got one more from Anton and also Behrang from Melodifestivalen. Another fun thing that happened was that Tony Irving, from Swedish tv-show Let's Dance, walked on the street with company. And I'm telling ya, I've never been so paralyzed in my entire life, haha! Anyway, here's a nice picture of Anton's EP with autograph. I really like the cover, so I'm not gonna put it with my other albums. I'm gonna let people see it! I also like that the cover is a lot bigger than the CD, when I first saw it I thought it was a vinyl!