New things.
I fredags gav jag mig ut i mellandagsrean med mamma. Vi stack till Väla, och det var kaos. Eller, okej, inte riktigt kaos var det men det var sjuuuukt mycket folk! Jag tappade shopping-lusten efter bara någon affär, så det var ju lite synd... Skulle vilja säga att jag inte har problem med stora folkmassor osv, men det har jag nog... Tycker det är hemskt när folk som inte går så snabbt väljer att gå i mitten av gångarna.. Eller när folk typ stannar i mitten av vägen så att man inte kan komma fram..
Oh well, ska inte klaga nu! Hittade en suuuuuperfin skjorta inne på BikBok, som jag älskar! Gav typ 125kr för den, och 75kr för den gråa tröjan tror jag. Kommer inte riktigt ihåg. Den kommer iallafall från Gina, och de två nagellacken kommer från Kicks!
/Last Friday I went out to do some shopping with mom, since it's ''mellandagsrea'' here in Sweden right now. It's basically a huge sale in like every shop between Christmas and New Year's. We went to this big shopping mall, called Väla, and it was chaotic. Okay, maybe not chaotic but there were soooo many people! I lost the urge to shop just after a few minutes, which was sad... I would like to say that I don't have problems with being among a large crowd, but I actually think I have... I think it's terrible when people who don't walk pretty fast chooses to go in the middle of the ways.. Or people stopping in the middle of the way.. Oh well, I shouldn't complain about it now! I found a suuuuuper nice shirt at BikBok, that I love! Got it for about 125kr and 75kr for the gray top I think. Don't really remember. The gray one is from Gina Tricot, and the two nail polishes are from Kicks!
Oh well, ska inte klaga nu! Hittade en suuuuuperfin skjorta inne på BikBok, som jag älskar! Gav typ 125kr för den, och 75kr för den gråa tröjan tror jag. Kommer inte riktigt ihåg. Den kommer iallafall från Gina, och de två nagellacken kommer från Kicks!
/Last Friday I went out to do some shopping with mom, since it's ''mellandagsrea'' here in Sweden right now. It's basically a huge sale in like every shop between Christmas and New Year's. We went to this big shopping mall, called Väla, and it was chaotic. Okay, maybe not chaotic but there were soooo many people! I lost the urge to shop just after a few minutes, which was sad... I would like to say that I don't have problems with being among a large crowd, but I actually think I have... I think it's terrible when people who don't walk pretty fast chooses to go in the middle of the ways.. Or people stopping in the middle of the way.. Oh well, I shouldn't complain about it now! I found a suuuuuper nice shirt at BikBok, that I love! Got it for about 125kr and 75kr for the gray top I think. Don't really remember. The gray one is from Gina Tricot, and the two nail polishes are from Kicks!
Double Up - Malin & Lina
älskar leopard tröjan