Ready for the weekend!
Torsdagkväll och jag sitter och pluggar inför ett prov jag måste skriva imorgon. Ska in till skolan vid 14-tiden och skriva det då, sedan är det helg! På kvällen ska jag gå ut med Evlina, Nicklas och Natalie för att fira Natalies 19-årsdag som är på lördag, så himla roligt ska det bli! På lördag är det vila som gäller, för på söndag ska jag på filminspelning! Det kommer tyvärr bli sista gången... Men jag ska se till att ha roligt!
Hoppas ni alla får en underbar helg!
/Thursday night and I'm studying for a test I have to write tomorrow. I have to be in school around 2 p.m to write it, and after that I'm off for the weekend! Tomorrow night I'm going out with Evlina, Nicklas and Natalie to celebrate Natalies 19th birthday, which is on Saturday, it'll be so fun! On Saturdag I'm just gonna rest as much as I can, becuase on Sunday I'll go to the filming again! Unfortunately, that'll be the last time... But I will have fun! I hope you all get a wonderful weekend!
Hoppas ni alla får en underbar helg!
/Thursday night and I'm studying for a test I have to write tomorrow. I have to be in school around 2 p.m to write it, and after that I'm off for the weekend! Tomorrow night I'm going out with Evlina, Nicklas and Natalie to celebrate Natalies 19th birthday, which is on Saturday, it'll be so fun! On Saturdag I'm just gonna rest as much as I can, becuase on Sunday I'll go to the filming again! Unfortunately, that'll be the last time... But I will have fun! I hope you all get a wonderful weekend!