Colors of the rainbow.
Jag har nog aldrig sett en så klar regnbåge i hela mitt liv! Jag satt här i soffan och tittade ut för att se om det regnade, men min uppmärksamhet drogs mot den färgstarka himlen istället. Såååå vackert! En bit ovanför den färgstarka regnbågen fanns en till, men den var inte alls lika klar. Man kan se den lite på första bilden. Är förresten glad att jag tog fram kameran, när jag kom in efter att ha tagit bilderna försvann dom!
/I've never seen such a clear rainbow in my life! I sat here on the couch and looked out the window to see if it was raining, but my attention was drawn to the colorful sky instead. Soooo beautiful! Right above it were another rainbow, but I could barely see it. It can be seen on the first picture, though. I'm so happy I picked up the camera because when I got in again after taking the pictures they disappeared!
/I've never seen such a clear rainbow in my life! I sat here on the couch and looked out the window to see if it was raining, but my attention was drawn to the colorful sky instead. Soooo beautiful! Right above it were another rainbow, but I could barely see it. It can be seen on the first picture, though. I'm so happy I picked up the camera because when I got in again after taking the pictures they disappeared!

Svar: Åh tack så mycket snälla du :D