Update: tattoo!
Här kommer några bilder på min tatuering! Denna gången i färg, dessutom är den helt läkt nu! Gjorde den ju i januari, så den har varit läkt ganska länge nu... Har bara inte fått tummen ur att fota den förrens nu, haha! Det var ganska svårt att få bra bilder, tog ett tag... Hade mitt 50mm objektiv och det är ganska svårt att ta bra bilder på sig själv med det. Jag blev iallafall riktigt nöjd med bilderna!
Jag är galet kär i min tatuering. Vad tycker ni om den?
/Here's some pictures of my tattoo! This time they're in color, besides my tattoo is fully healed now! I got it in January, so it's been healed a while now... Just didn't take the time earlier to take some pictures, haha! It was pretty hard getting good shots, took a while... Used my 50mm lens and it's pretty hard taking pictures of yourself with it. Anyway, I'm happy with the pictures! I'm madly in love with my tattoo. What do you think about it?
/Here's some pictures of my tattoo! This time they're in color, besides my tattoo is fully healed now! I got it in January, so it's been healed a while now... Just didn't take the time earlier to take some pictures, haha! It was pretty hard getting good shots, took a while... Used my 50mm lens and it's pretty hard taking pictures of yourself with it. Anyway, I'm happy with the pictures! I'm madly in love with my tattoo. What do you think about it?