För någon vecka sedan beställde jag hem ett underbart handsmycke; en peacecatcher! Hittade den på Etsy, och efter att jag funderat på att skaffa den ett tag så bestämde jag mig. Jag valde med turkos sten just eftersom jag tyckte den var finast av alla man kunde välja mellan, och den ger bra grejer. Den är något stor (eller så har jag alldeles för små händer, brukar ofta för höra det..) men det gör inget! Det går nog att fixa. (:
Vill du också ha en kan du beställa härifrån! De säljer även en massa andra fina smycken, så kolla gärna in dom!
Här är beskrivningen till just den jag beställde:
Här är beskrivningen till just den jag beställde:
''One of the oldest protection amulets, if given a turquoise by a loving friend, that stone would protect the wearer from negative energy and bring good fortune. Turquoise is the symbol of friendship. It unites the earth and the sky, bringing together the male and female energies, enhancing the physical and the psychic immune systems.
ENERGIES: Luck, Love, Protection, Healing''
/A few weeks ago I ordered a wonderful hand strap; a peacecatcher! I found it on Etsy, and after thinking about it for a while I decided to get it. I chose a turquoise stone simply because I thought it was the most beautiful and it gives great things. It's a bit too big for me (my hands may also be too small, I hear that a lot..) but it's okay! I can probably fix that easily. (: If you want one too you can order one from here! They also sell other nice jewelry, so check them out! Here's the description of the one I got: ''One of the oldest protection amulets, if given a turquoise by a loving friend, that stone would protect the wearer from negative energy and bring good fortune. Turquoise is the symbol of friendship. It unites the earth and the sky, bringing together the male and female energies, enhancing the physical and the psychic immune systems. ENERGIES: Luck, Love, Protection, Healing''
ENERGIES: Luck, Love, Protection, Healing''
/A few weeks ago I ordered a wonderful hand strap; a peacecatcher! I found it on Etsy, and after thinking about it for a while I decided to get it. I chose a turquoise stone simply because I thought it was the most beautiful and it gives great things. It's a bit too big for me (my hands may also be too small, I hear that a lot..) but it's okay! I can probably fix that easily. (: If you want one too you can order one from here! They also sell other nice jewelry, so check them out! Here's the description of the one I got: ''One of the oldest protection amulets, if given a turquoise by a loving friend, that stone would protect the wearer from negative energy and bring good fortune. Turquoise is the symbol of friendship. It unites the earth and the sky, bringing together the male and female energies, enhancing the physical and the psychic immune systems. ENERGIES: Luck, Love, Protection, Healing''
ida foto. ♛
åhhhhh så himla fint!!! älskar drömfångare mer än allt och har massvis med smycken med det och massor av drömfångare överallt haha :'D måste ta och köpa ett sånt här!