Favorite albums.
Jag satt igår och funderade på vilka album jag gillar allra bäst. Det skiftar givetvis lite ibland, men dessa är de som varit mina favoriter de senaste månaderna. Min CD-samling är inte så stor som jag önskar, men det finns ändå en väldigt massa bra album! Lite från Black Sabbath, Aerosmith, Bon Jovi, Beyoncé, Green Day, The Rolling Stones, Queen osv... Men som sagt, dessa har varit några bland mina absoluta favoriter den senaste tiden!
/Yesterday I thought about my favorite albums. Of course it changes from time to time, but these have been my favorites for a while now. My CD collection is not as big as I want it to be, but there's a lot of good albums in there! Albums from Black Sabbath, Aerosmith, Bon Jovi, Beyoncé, Green Day, The Rolling Stones, Queen and so on... But as I said, these have been my favorites for a while now!
/Yesterday I thought about my favorite albums. Of course it changes from time to time, but these have been my favorites for a while now. My CD collection is not as big as I want it to be, but there's a lot of good albums in there! Albums from Black Sabbath, Aerosmith, Bon Jovi, Beyoncé, Green Day, The Rolling Stones, Queen and so on... But as I said, these have been my favorites for a while now!
Aerosmith-Honkin' On Bobo. Detta albumet från 2004 består egentligen av en massa blues-covers. Det är endast en av låtarna som är Aerosmiths egna låt!
/Aerosmith-Honkin' On Bobo. This album from 2004 is really a bunch of blues covers. Only one of the songs are Aerosmith's original song!
/Aerosmith-Honkin' On Bobo. This album from 2004 is really a bunch of blues covers. Only one of the songs are Aerosmith's original song!
Aerosmith-Young Lust: The Aerosmith Anthology. Detta är egentligen ett samlingalbum från 2001, men den innehåller ju bara bra låtar!
/Aerosmith-Young Lust: The Aerosmith Anthology. This is actually a huge compliation from 2001, but it only contains great songs!
/Aerosmith-Young Lust: The Aerosmith Anthology. This is actually a huge compliation from 2001, but it only contains great songs!
Aerosmith-Music From Another Dimension. Det senaste Aerosmith-albumet, från 2012. Senaste albumet sedan 2004, första albumet som släpptes sedan jag förälskade mig i bandet. Helt fantastiska album!
/Aerosmith-Music From Another Dimension. The latest Aerosmith album, from 2012. The latest album since 2004, first album since I fell in love with the band. Amazing album!
/Aerosmith-Music From Another Dimension. The latest Aerosmith album, from 2012. The latest album since 2004, first album since I fell in love with the band. Amazing album!
John Mayer-Paradise Valley. Nyupptäckt kärlek! Släpptes 2013. Fick albumet i julklapp efter att ha lyssnat på det konstant i flera veckor. Sitter jag hemma en fredagskväll är det förmodligen detta albumet som spelas i mina hörlurar. Så fruktansvärt mysigt, blir så avslappnad av hans musik!
/John Mayer-Paradise Valley. Discovered a new kind of love! Released in 2013. Got this album as a Christmas gift since I'd been listening to it for weeks. When I'm home on a Friday night, this is probably what's playing in my headphones. So incredibly cozy, I always get so relaxed when I'm listening to his music!
/John Mayer-Paradise Valley. Discovered a new kind of love! Released in 2013. Got this album as a Christmas gift since I'd been listening to it for weeks. When I'm home on a Friday night, this is probably what's playing in my headphones. So incredibly cozy, I always get so relaxed when I'm listening to his music!
Beyoncé-Beyoncé (Visual Album). Släpptes 2014. Låtarna är helt fantastiska, det är väldigt svårt att välja favoritlåt! Riktigt synd att bara två av låtarna finns på Spotify... Finns inte mycket mer att säga om detta albumet förutom att Queen B är magisk!
/Beyoncé-Beyoncé (Visual Album). Released 2014. The songs are amazing, it's very hard to only choose one favorite song! The fact that only two of the songs are available on Spotify is sad... There's not much to say about this album other than Queen B is magical!
/Beyoncé-Beyoncé (Visual Album). Released 2014. The songs are amazing, it's very hard to only choose one favorite song! The fact that only two of the songs are available on Spotify is sad... There's not much to say about this album other than Queen B is magical!
H.E.A.T-Address The Nation. Detta album släpptes 2012. Första albumet sedan Erik Grönwall joinade bandet. Älskar verkligen alla låtarna på detta albumet, och snart släpper de ytterligare ett album! Alla som gillar hårdrock både verkligen lyssna på detta album!
/H.E.A.T-Address The Nation. This album was released 2012. First album since Erik Grönwall joined the band as a singer. I really love every single song on this album, and next month they'll release another album! Everyone who likes hard rock should totally listen to this album!
/H.E.A.T-Address The Nation. This album was released 2012. First album since Erik Grönwall joined the band as a singer. I really love every single song on this album, and next month they'll release another album! Everyone who likes hard rock should totally listen to this album!
Michael Jackson-Bad. Detta albumet släpptes 1987. De flesta av mina favoritlåtar av Michael finns på detta album, det är delvis därför jag valde detta Michael-albumet som favorit istället för till exempel Dangerous. Har även två olika exemplar av detta album; ett från förr och 25-årsspecialen!
/Michael Jackson-Bad. This album was released 1987. Most of my favorite songs by Michael are on this album, and that's partly why I chosed this album as my favorite rather than Dangerous, for an example. I've got two different versions of this album; one from the good old days and the 25 year special!
/Michael Jackson-Bad. This album was released 1987. Most of my favorite songs by Michael are on this album, and that's partly why I chosed this album as my favorite rather than Dangerous, for an example. I've got two different versions of this album; one from the good old days and the 25 year special!